…and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. I Kings 19:11,12, (King James Version)
A lot of things happen to Christians on daily bases that are completely outside the will of God for them, not because God could not stop those things from happening, but because they, the Christians, allowed them to. The Word of God says God has given the earth to the sons of men [to control] (Psalm 115:16), He also said He has given us the keys of the kingdom and whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19). It is easy for Christians to listen to God when He is very loud and audacious, like if the pastor called you out and gave you a tailored prophecy, you would most likely go ahead to do what you had been instructed to do. On the other hand, when God speaks directly to you with the still small voice, the gentle nudge, the tiny whisper, the silent witness… you tend to drag your feet, or even compromise.
About a year ago I was driving back home from picking my sons at school. We were close to the house when my younger son, then 3, moved from the back seat into the passenger seat beside me. Usually I don’t let them sit in front because generally, it isn’t the safest place for children and I already put the doors behind on child-lock, but because we were already close to the house I obliged him. At the U-turn I was to make to enable me drive back to my street, I wanted to quickly turn the car because there were 2 other cars fast approaching from the opposite side, when I felt a nudge to wait. I calculated and told myself I could do the turn fast enough before the cars came too close but I decided to obey the nudge anyway. Waiting a few minutes wouldn’t hurt. I had walked with God long enough to recognize his silent whispers. So I waited. My foot was still on my brakes when my son leaned on the door and opened it by mistake. “Ah!” I screamed “Who’s that?” He was too frightened to answer but his big brother who was still at the back seat answered. I was petrified. I reached out, pulled him inward and leaned over to shut the door back. As I resumed the drive, my mind replayed a thousand times what could have happened if I had disobeyed that nudge and raced to make the turn. My son would have still opened the door but the force of my speed at the turn would most likely had thrown him out of the car and one or both of the oncoming speeding vehicles would have crushed him to death…. All of that was prevented in just a minute of silent obedience.
This January I heard of a lady who died a few days to her wedding, killed instantly by a hit-and-run. She was on her way to pick up her veil, I gathered. I never met her, she was a friend of a friend, but I felt so sad about it and all the more when I learnt she was a child of God and had served diligently in her local church. I prayed and prayed and wondered about some things God allowed… as I prayed and moaned, the Holy Spirit said to me, “I didn’t allow this one”. He didn’t need to say more. I understood. Was there a chance that she had felt that gentle nudge, that feeling or thought that said ‘stay at home’, ‘don’t go today’, ‘let someone else pick it’, ‘don’t cross the road just yet’, etc.?
Once I was driving on the express road in the city where I live, and was going to take a speed lane ahead of me but immediately felt ‘instructed’ not to. I diverted to the slow lane without knowing or wondering why but at the next junction, a lorry at top speed swerved from the left into the speed lane at the same spot I was at the slow lane. Wow! Then I heard the Spirit say, “That lorry was programmed to hit you”. Wow! There was no way it could have missed me. I could have lost my car or my life, all for despising one moment of instruction and if I had died, people would have gathered and said ‘the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh… God allowed it for a reason….bla bla bla…’ It would have all been a lie.
Child of God, is the Spirit of God leading you to sow a seed? Do it. Is he speaking quietly to you about a relationship that looks okay? Leave it, even though you cannot place your thumb on any problem between you two. Is he withholding your hand from picking a particular dish at a party? Restrain yourself. Did you lose your peace over attending an important meeting? Damn the consequence of your absence and stay away. To obey is better than sacrifice….

God’s voice in a thunderous shout is as precious as his voice in a tiny whisper. It’s not about his technique; it’s the same God speaking. Learn to take him seriously EVERY TIME He speaks. If you are not sure it’s God, wait. Don’t do the opposite. Be patient and just wait. Once you can hear Him, don’t analyze things with your carnal mind and advise yourself otherwise. God always sees the end from the beginning. He always sees the whole; we are humans and can only see in part.
Yes, God’s grace is always available but we have to respond to it by obedience. Follow Him per time – every second counts. Your life could depend on it.
Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…. (Psalm 95:7,8)
- Sista Mercie
#TheVoiceOfGod #SpiritLife