They were trying to frighten us into stopping work. I prayed, "But now, God, make me strong!" Nehemiah 6:9 (Good News Translation)
You may be familiar with the story of Nehemiah;
How he set out to rebuild the ruins of Jerusalem, the City of God,
And the many adversaries and oppositions he encountered;
And how he seemingly shook them all off each time they threw up some obstacle in front of him,
Going on to complete the work.
At the point of our text today, Nehemiah was almost done with the work
And his enemies frantically came up with different tactics in quick succession, to stop him by all means.
This last attempt involved slander and false witnessing...
Nehemiah was stunned, to say the least.
He had not had a chance to rest in between the latest traps set by these men
But he didn't suspect they would go that far, that low...
He cowered... his heart beat faster... His knees wobbled... His hands dropped...
He prayed; 'Make me strong O God'
Child of God, that's what you do when you feel too weak to go on.
You pray,
You rely on God's strength,
And you go on to finish the work.
You will finish strong!
-Sista Mercie
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