Listen! Listen to the roar of God’s voice, to the rumbling that comes from his mouth. He flashes his lightning everywhere under heaven. His light flashes to the ends of the earth. It is followed by the roar of his voice. He thunders with his majestic voice. He doesn’t hold the lightning back when his thunder is heard. God’s voice thunders in miraculous ways. It does great things that we cannot understand. Job 37:2-5 (GOD’S WORD® Translation)
The best part of God’s voice in our lives Is that we can echo it For He has said; So that we may boldly say… (Hebrews 13:5,6)
Child of God, Echo your Father’s voice in your sphere. Ye are gods! Ambassadors of The Most High. Heirs of the King of Kings.
Not sure of what to echo? Look into the Word – That is his manuscript; His transcribed voice You only have to resound it.
Go on and thunder! Go on and roar! He’s watching, to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12)
– Sista Mercie
#LiveBlessed #TheWordOfTheLord