And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46 (English Standard Version)
All his life, he had lived for this moment...
He had told his disciples about it
He had interpreted the scriptures that pointed to this moment
He sensed the taste of the cup he was to drink from...
He knew he would suffer and die.... and rise again...
But at the sixth hour, darkness came over the land...
At that moment it seemed as though something snapped the communication line Jesus had with his Father
From then on he felt alone...in the dark
His agony worsened
The reality of the moment hit him hard
No assuring words from his Father, the One who had been well pleased with him...
No open heaven, no dove... no sign He was near...
What do you do when you look up during a test and cannot see your teacher?
Do you quickly take the chance to cheat?
Do you get up to look around for him just to be sure he's still around?
Or do you put your head down and keep working till the time is up?
Jesus felt abandoned, forsaken, forgotten by his Father
Still he later said: 'Father into thy hands....'
The truth is, that feeling of abandonment is just what it is; a feeling.
For He has said; 'Never will I leave you, Never will I forsake you' (Hebrews 13:5) and He does not lie.
Stay in the test until the bell goes
For it won't last for always.
Think about this; Where's Jesus now?
-Sista Mercie