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Writer's pictureSista Mercie

The Eyes of the Beholder

My friend and Make Up Artist, Glory, on her wedding day

How beautiful art thou, my dear, in thine own eyes?

Dost thou gasp at the strength of majestic mountains, hush at the sight of crashing oceans, prostrate at the resplendence of the rising sun, sob at the glory of a blossoming rose, wonder at the pride of a wild beast and yet despise the image of God’s son in the mirror before thee?

Dost thou acquiesce to thy beauty only after another man’s confession of it? Knowest thou that thou art beautiful whether they acknowledge it or not? Hast thine beauty been revealed to thee? Hast thine eyes beheld it yet? Doth thy spirit agree with thine heart that thou art beautiful? Or hast thou joined in the lyrics of thy mockers to sing songs of ugliness and shame?

Thou art beautiful, child. So beautiful that the daffodils in the fields court thy honour, the clouds in the sky gape at thy magnificence, the trees in the woods envy thy splendour. Yea! All nature await thy understanding of the beauty within you, thence thy manifestation.

Thou art beautiful, my child.

Thou art beautiful, first for thy Maker, next for thyself. The lilies of the field knoweth not if thou praiseth them. They simply show forth their glory, unto their God and unto themselves. They welcome the rays of the sun, stretch out their necks confidently, and open up their buds. It is only natural for thee to admire what they be: they have accepted themselves already.

Praise thyself; for I made thee a masterpiece. Thou art my workmanship; the crown of all I created. So adore thine eyes, thy lips, thy voice, every part of thee thou dost secretly admire thou ought to openly declare. Thy hips are gorgeous. Thy thighs are awesome. Thy shoulders are strong. Thy voice is lovely. Hear it from thine own mouth and it would not matter much to thee if another reiterates or disagrees.

Look better than thou wast yesterday. The path of the just shines brighter and brighter every passing day, so should the just himself. Be beautiful in the morning, at noon and at night. Even if thou spendest the day alone and indoors. Be beautiful in thy pajamas as thou art beautiful in thy suits. Extol thy beauty. Bathe thy body, clothe thyself, perfume thy skin all for thyself. Pamper thy self for thyself. Selfishness you say? Self-love I say. For thou shalt love thy neighbor only as thou hast loved thyself. Not more.

Beauty cometh from within so keep thine heart beautiful. Let thy mind be comfortable with who thou art. Let thy thoughts praise thee. Love the person thou art, know thy weaknesses but strengthen thy virtues. Stay on the positive side of thy thoughts. Think beautiful thoughts – whatever is pure, lovely, worthy and good. Think more on whom thou wouldst grow into and less on what thou wish thou weren’t. Let faith in whom thou wouldst be spur thee on. For indeed thou shalt be all I spoke unto thee when I first revealed myself to thee.

Though thou feel it not, though thine humanity spurn thy divinity, though the standards of flesh weigh heavily on the wordsof the Spirit … see thyself as thy Maker seeth thee. Behold I have called thee ‘good’.

Stay beautiful my child, in thy eyes. Thou art loved.

– Thy God and King.

Sista Mercie

#ChildOftheKing #Beautiful


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