This is what the Lord GOD says to you dry bones! 'Pay attention! I'm bringing my Spirit into you right now, and you're going to live! Ezekiel 37:5 (International Standard Version)
The Word of the LORD…
It is the gliding double-edged sword that pierces the divide between soul and spirit – separating thoughts, concepts and ideas that the human mind perceives as one and the same….
It is the intense purposeful heat that burns dross out of silver, separates scum from gold and pressurizes carbon into diamonds….
It is the current in a defibrillator pressed against a bare chest; forcing the dead heart to beat again…. it shocks… jerks… scalds… and never leaves you the same once it hits you….
It is the fire in a bolt of lightning… able to raze an entire city….
'Thou knowest!' – a prayer of conscious surrender, not a relinquishment of hope. It may not always transit to your wish but will definitely lead to God’s will. When you come face to face with your valley of dry bones, your heart must be disposed to choosing the Lord’s way, whatever may betide… When the Son of Man uttered his 'Thou knowest!' in Gethsemane, his heart was vulnerable to whatever his Father would direct. 'Thou Knowest!' in spite of the dilemma, releases you into the peace of God which beats human understanding and ushers God’s words of direction and instruction to you.
“Prophesy to these bones, and say to them….” So I prophesied as I was commanded.… (Ezekiel 37:4-7)
God always has a tailor-made word for every new trial you encounter and a specific word for you even when the tribulation looks similar. That means it does not matter if someone else has gone through that same experience before, God deals with each of his children uniquely. God says to Moses; strike the rock, another time He says; speak to the rock. God says to Abraham; kill your son, then he says to him; do not kill him… During the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls, the word of the Lord to some men was; build the walls, to others; guard the walls … During the exile some prophets remained in Jerusalem to minister to the remnant there, while some were part of the exiled Jews. Even among the servants of God in exile, while some ministered to the Jews, others spoke to the kings in the land of their exile. I also imagine that when Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah were faced with the fiery furnace they each heard the spirit in different ways and may have even reacted in different ways. One could have been singing, another praying, another quiet… based on what they felt in their hearts. Same situations; different instructions; same God.
The word of the Lord – like a fiery arrow thrust out of Ezekiel’s mouth – struck those bones with quickening flames… and… suddenly, spiritual current sparked up among that rubble of broken battered bones scattered all over the valley. Suddenly, those lifeless pieces of clay were ignited by the breath of the Almighty. And like shockwaves, the current flowed furiously across the length and breadth of that valley… causing a frightening racket… an enormous change…. The word of the LORD in all its forms is powerful, but when it is declared it is lethal.
The assurance that those bones were going to live again depended not on the bones; their number, location, or the extent of their dryness, but on the Word of life that hit them, because the Word of God is valid on its own; needs no authentication from anything apart from itself; carries life and virtue in itself… It is spirit and life!
Child of God, your miracle is not in the situation, but in the Word meant for it. The target of an arrow soaked in fire lights up immediately, not because it had fire inherent in itself but because it got hit by a moving flame! Ezekiel did not have to worry about the ability of the bones to hear him. You need to understand that they were dead dry bones – deader than dead – with no iota of life or ability to hear. He only had to ensure he heard God’s Word for the condition he found himself in, and to correctly repeat it.
The word of the Lord is close to you; in your heart, in your mouth (Deuteronomy 30:11-14). What have you heard… what are you saying?
He Himself has said… so we may boldly say… (Hebrews 13:5,6)
- Sista Mercie
N/B: This article is a continuation of A Cause for Calm
#LiveAgain #Ezekiel37 #TheWordOfTheLord