Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. Exodus 34:14 (New International Version)
"You must not have any other god but me." Exodus 20:3 (New Living Translation)
No other God....
Ermmmmm.... Lord God, there's no need for that rule
You're talking to us now
The pagans ain't here -
Those scoundrels, murderers, thieves, liars....
We are the Called, the Chosen, the Elect,
You are our God, our King, our Saviour...
But Yahweh knew He was talking to Israel.
He knew He was talking to the same set of people He had delivered over and over again...
Healed their sicknesses,
Chased their enemies,
Provided their food and water,
Walked before and behind in Pillars of fire and cloud....
My name is 'Jealous', says God
You MUST not have any other god
You MUST worship only Me!
What are your daily priorities?
Do they prove you worship only Yahweh....
Or do they expose other gods besides Him?
This is why you are to work out your salvation with fear and trembling....
Not because you might die physically
But because your soul might perish
If on that day he looks at you and says:
'I do not know you!'
In heaven, we are recognized
Not by the things we do in His name
But by what He does through us.
Is God working through you
Or have your idols robbed you of that privilege?
- Sista Mercie
Get your copy of my e_book 'Heart of Worship' here. You will need the daily reminders in it.
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