There is no magic curse against Jacob and no divination against Israel. It will now be said about Jacob and Israel,” What great things God has done!” Numbers 23:23 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
Ponder for a moment on Hadassah who was also called Esther She had neither father nor mother, brother nor sister She was an exile from war Her homeland laid in ruins All she had was a righteous uncle who she called father Hadassah was pretty much unknown Until the time appointed for her shine.
Then a series of events began to move her closer and closer to the palace Until, like a dream, she was crowned queen In Vashti’s stead… She, a Jewish exile, crowned queen in the very land of her captivity….
Child of God People may spit when they remember your ordeal. They may shake their heads and conclude you’re under some curse.
That was what they thought of Jesus, of Paul, of John the beloved…
But When God is in it The Actor never dies
Brace up! For the time appointed for your shine will come. These same people will see what God will do And their mouths will hang open They will surely testify: Only God could have done this!
Prepare your heart for a ‘See What God has Done!’ kind of breakthrough. For God is about to turn around your captivity. Hallelujah!
– Sista Mercie
#LiveBlessed #TheActorNeverDies