And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-Jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Genesis 22:14 KJV
Jireh is a place.
A place of abandonment.
A place of the ultimate sacrifice.
What has God required of you?
If you can walk up that mountain ('which he shall show you'), willing to lay down and burn what you love the most till it becomes ashes...
If you can - even with hot tears flowing from your eyes - gather the stones to make the altar and arrange the sticks for the fire...
If you can go on to bind up, lift up and lay down your most prized possession on the altar you have built in that agony of heart...
If you can pick up the knife to kill it while still heavy in your thoughts and blinded by your tears...
God will see to it that your needs are met.
We sacrifice because we love the One to whom we offer the sacrifice more than the item of sacrifice.
We obey the call to sacrifice because we love the One who demands the sacrifice.
We are blessed beyond the usual when we obey the unusual.
Jireh is not a Name until it is first a place.
Welcome to Moriah.