“Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!” But little do they know that the dead are there, that her guests are deep in the realm of the dead. Proverbs 9:17,18 (New International Version)
Adrenalin! Dopamine! Oxytocin!
Rushing through your bloodstream;
Causing your belly to melt;
Your heart to race;
Your knees to cave in....
The arousal to grab what's before you promises joy...even for a moment...
You can almost taste the bliss;
Your flesh denies that it would make you a thief....
Think of your cloud of witnesses.
There are a few in not too distant past who walked the path you now consider.
Their fall from glory was evident to all...
Touch not that to which God said 'Abstain!'
Though you will enjoy it while it lasts...
Oh! What bliss!
But it's worth at the end
Will be as rags in a King's wardrobe.
There is a way that may seem right, blissful, delicious, magical...
But Child of God, always forecast the end
Then decide if that's where you want to go
and if it will be worth the price.
-Sista Mercie