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Writer's pictureSista Mercie

"It is I!"

Bronze sculpture of Jesus walking on water by AJ Sculptures

But he saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid. John 6:20 (King James Bible)

Jesus will always find a way to speak to you in your darkness.

His voice will always be above the din,

His image, brighter than the storm.

He never said you'd only see sunshine,

Or only experience bliss.

But he does assure His full-time presence.

He said, "In this world you will have tribulations

But I will always be with you".

(John 16:33, Matthew 28:20)

So Child of God,

Do not fight the storm.

Fight to hear his voice.

Fight your fears;

Fight your doubts;

Fight your unbelief;

Fight your grief;

Because He never left when the storm began.

He says:

"Do not fear

It is I

Calm nights and bright days will return.

Stay in the boat

or if you must step out on the water,

Keep your eyes on Me"

- Sista Mercie

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