There on the mountains are the feet of a messenger who announces the good news: "All is well!" Celebrate your festivals, Judah! Keep your vows! This wickedness will never pass your way again. It will be completely removed. Nahum 1:15 (GOD'S WORD® Translation)
When God performs a miracle in your neighborhood
He wants you to remember He's still got the power
He wants you to deal with the envy of seeing others get blessed first
He wants you to pick up your faith from where your left it off
He wants you to get ready for your own answer
He wants you to give Him the glory for doing a great deed whether at all it affects you directly or not
He wants you to look up to Him again; Alpha and Omega...
Child of God, if God blesses your neighbour, that signifies the feet of a messenger on the mountains
Bringing you glad tidings of great joy.
They are beautiful feet
Rejoice with them.
-Sista Mercie
#LiveBlessed #LiveOneMoreDay #Medispirations