“A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If then I am a father, where is my honor? And if I am a master, where is my fear? says the LORD of hosts to you” Malachi 1:6 (English Standard Version)
We have mastered the art of honouring God with our lips While our actions bring him disrepute regularly.
Are you giving your best at your vocation? Are you obeying traffic rules when you drive? Are you speaking politely to strangers and people you perceive you may never gain anything from? Do you love your neighbour who you see as much as you profess to love your God whom you cannot see? Are you living the kind of life which men may see and glorify your Father who is in heaven? Are you truthful? Do you have integrity? Do you hurt your friends knowingly? Do you pay back your debts? Are you a responsible parent, spouse, child, sibling, friend, etc?
You must honour God Not just when you kneel But more importantly also, when you rise.
– Sista Mercie
#LiveInChrist #SpiritLife #QuestionsOfConscience