When you cross deep rivers, I will be with you, and you won't drown. Isaiah 43:2a (Contemporary English Version)
The beautiful thing about Scripture is that it's got us all covered.
You know those situations you encounter that looks like you've been hit by a tsunami?
The Lord says even in such waters, your head will still be above it.
It may shake your very foundations to the core;
Its impact may startle you to bits;
It may carry away your expectations, your gains, treasures...
But you know what?
It will not overwhelm you
Because the Master Navigator of the seaways; the One who gave the oceans its boundaries;
Will be with you to ensure your head stays above the floods.
Notice He didn't say you will swim through the waters
He said you will PASS.
That is Grace!
It's a crossing...
It won't last for always.
There's a victory party and a warm fire waiting at the other side.
Keep going!
-Sista Mercie
#KeepGoing #LiveOneMoreDay #Medispirations