...that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you... Ephesians 1:18b (English Standard Version)
Child of God
Have you grasped the hope to which you were called already?
Something is missing in your walk with Christ until you do.
A gaping lack
A staring emptiness
A blank space...
The presence of the Lord is awesome; it promotes your identity as a believer.
But His power is simply beyond us.
We have been called to a certain hope
The call to become fishers of men is not a call to live on charity;
It is a call that promises nets too full, they break.
It is a call that operates with a form of enlightenment in the mind...
It is a call to hope and purpose, not despair and disillusionment.
Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into grasping that hope today.
Jesus is Lord forever
-Sista Mercie
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