Jesus answered, "Anyone who starts plowing and keeps looking back isn't worth a thing to God's kingdom!" Luke 9:62 (Contemporary English Version)
There are days I do not think I can make it through. There are days I no longer want to go on. Days I think I already gave my best and if things are not working out it’s not because I haven’t tried. Days I feel like running far far away from the challenges life has brought my way. Days I want to cry but no longer wish to because I know I’ve cried enough already. Days my heart lingers in the future and wishes to leap into it leaving today behind…
But I’ve come too far to turn around now. I’ve shed too many tears sowing not to wait a little longer for my harvest joy. I’ve borne too much pain only to waste on poignant regrets. I’ve missed out on too many pleasures to now surrender to fate. I’ve prayed too long, God must have my answers close by. I’ve worked really hard, He is not unjust not to reward my love-labours. I’ve burnt my midnight oil; the voice of my bridegroom may rend the silent air in just another minute… I have… I have… and I cannot give up now.
There may be no glistening light at the end of this tunnel, no shimmering lining at the edge of this cloud, no coloured rainbow in the midst of this storm, no singing bird in this dry and dusty wilderness, no beauty in this art my Maker paints, no consolation, no encouragement… but if I faint not… when I grope out of this tunnel, bright rays will greet my tired eyes, when a grace-wind blows this dark cloud will uncover a glorious sun, when I survive this harsh weather I will be rewarded with a refreshing rainbow, my ears will hear the birds again, the painting will eventually make sense… if I faint not!
So my hands remain on the plough, this is not the time to look back. My positive buttons are turned on, my heart is fixed. Every day has an assignment, each opportunity a blessing, a purpose attached to every breath. I have a calling to fulfill, a generation to affect, and despite all odds – though I am weak he makes me strong – I choose life!
- Sista Mercie
#LiveAgain #TrustAndObey #LiveOneMoreDay