And he said to his servant, “Go up now, look toward the sea.” And he went up and looked and said, “There is nothing.” And he said, “Go again,” seven times. 1 Kings 18:43 (English Standard Version)
The sound of rushing rain which Elijah heard in the spirit (verse 41), he was yet to see in the physical… So he bowed down, Placed his face between his knees (What a position!) And waited…
He wouldn’t look at the conflicting weather But he sent his servant saying ‘Go and look!’
Each time a negative report Each time, he commanded, ‘Go again!’ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven times he said “Go again!
Child of God, Go again! Like the woman with the issue of blood; Press again! Like the widow with the unjust Judge; Ask again! Like Naaman in Jordan’s river; Dip again! Like blind Bartimaeus and the opposing crowd; Shout again!
Like Lazarus, dead four days in the tomb,
Hear Jesus' voice today
and live again!
Whatever you do Just don’t give up till the sound you heard in your spirit Translates into a great rainstorm
– Sista Mercie
#LiveAgain #KeepGoing #Medispirations