For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light. Psalms 36:9 (New King James Version)
When you feel most unworthy before God and men, instead of retreating into a shell, fall even deeper into worship.
For it is your worship that changes you. It is the presence of God that makes you a better person. It is your connection with the Spirit of God that moves you from where you are to where you ought to be. It is the measure of the Holy Spirit you allow into your spirit that rearranges your life. It is in the warmth of His embrace you find the courage to be renewed. It is while in sole surrender to him, as your soul knits up with His in deep koinonia that He shows you the way forward; inspires you with ideas and anoints you with the oil that will deliver you from your present personal struggles. It is in your falling before the King, that your rising before mortal kings becomes brighter. (see Isaiah 60:3)
So whenever you have the opportunity to lay your heart before God, blank out your naysayers (even lawful ones) and go to your God! Lay it down! Bare it all! Let critics turn their noses up, you just turn your praise and worship on and watch God transform your life.
– Sista Mercie
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