My beloved belongs to me and I belong to him. He is the one who shepherds his flock among the lilies. Songs of Solomon 2:16 (International Standard Version)
It was a lie we were previously sold in the beginning – Our God does not prefer his children looking plain and uninteresting. Take a look at His universe, See… Colours…. Colours everywhere…
You will suffer a while… FOR A WHILE, He says And after that, He will strengthen and establish you (1 Peter 2:10)
If you are born again, You have the New Life. The God-life. So Get used to life; Get used to fame, glamour, fortune… Get used to brightness.
Child of God, It’s okay to look great It’s okay to be outstanding It’s okay to live on earth as though you were actually sitting with Christ in heavenly places
Can you handle browsing among the lilies? That’s the pasture your beloved chooses. Live great. Intentionally.
-Sista Mercie
#LiveBlessed #LiveGreat #Medispirations