Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. Acts 3:2 (New International Version)
At the gate called beautiful Is a man who has never known the experience of walking… At the gate called beautiful Is a man who has resigned to begging in order to exist. At the gate called beautiful Is a man who somehow missed the ministry and the person of Jesus, Whose friends never dared to rip open someone’s roof or carry him to one of Jesus’ numerous meetings…
At the gate called beautiful Is a man with a highly limited world view, Who believes that the best he can ever get from society are coins enough for each day. At the gate called beautiful Is a man who stopped dreaming of a possible future different from his present… At the gate called beautiful Is a man in his prime totally resigned to fate… A young man having no idea that though he missed Jesus; Peter and John were about to happen to him….
Peter and John approached with his future possibilities; This man looked on them for his present realities.
And at the gate called beautiful Grace reached out and lifted him up from his unpreparedness to meet a new tomorrow. God did it!
What gate are you at? Who are your friends? Did you miss ‘Jesus’? Have you stopped dreaming?…
Here comes ‘Peter and John’; In the name of Jesus Rise up and walk!
- Sista Mercie
#YouCanLiveAgain #LiveAgain #Medispirations