In Genesis chapter 3 verse 17, Elohim cursed the ground...
The ground was not cursed for its own sake (that is, the ground was guilty of no offence). Adam sinned against God and God, in judging him, placed a curse on the ground so that what Adam once enjoyed freely in terms of food supply would eventually be difficult for him to obtain.
All was bliss in Eden until Man despised God's rule and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil... and judgement fell on the serpent, the woman's creative ability and the ground... in that order...
Once the ground received the curse... the cycle of plant life which God looped at the beginning of time when he created plants (Genesis 1:11,12), was broken. Earth would no longer produce beneficial plants on its own. Man would have to maintain the vegetative cycle wherever ground he dominated. Any seed which man would not, could not replant in his domain could be lost forever...
The ground also began to vomit thorns and thistles on its own accord. Where you would have found an exotic flower or a rare fruit sprouting freely, would be thriving weeds, sometimes, outnumbering and overpowering planted vegetation...
The ground became very hard, dry and unyielding too, so that man would really have to labour - go through a lot of ache digging up soil - to plant, weed, and uproot... in order to eat.
A cursed ground also meant mutated fruits and seeds. From that moment on, Man had to take on the responsibility of processing his food; converting most of whatever he was able to grow, into consumable bread (Genesis 3:17-19). But in the beginning, they just reached out, plucked and ate, fruits and seeds that had all varieties of taste and satisfied the belly in different ways....
Remember once again that it was not because the soil was inherently evil, it was because Adam, Cain's father, sinned against God...
In Genesis chapter 4 verse 2, Cain, Adam's firstborn son, tilled the ground... the cursed ground...
Come with me still...
- Sista Mercie #Medispirations #LiveToday #Guiltless #LiveOneMoreDay #CainsToil #RespectUntoAbel